The environment is important to Canton Public Library and the Canton community. Canton Green Resources include:

Fast Fashion: Going Green With Your Wardrobe

So, you've started bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, and maybe have started using less straws when you get drinks. But have you ever thought about the eco-impact of your clothes? How about the human impact? Do you know about the fabrics in your wardrobe? Or who made your clothes, and if they're paid living wages?

These authors and documentarians dive into all these issues and more. 

Also available in: e-video
Also available in: e-book

Other Resources

Foster Closet of Michigan: This organization accepts new or gently used items for children and teens in foster care. 

Good on You: An app and website that rates fashion companies in a variety of subjects, from eco-friendly production to humane wages and living conditions for workers. 

The Good Trade: A general online magazine that features sustainable companies. 

Simple Recycling: If you live in Canton, you can participate in this awesome program to recycle clothes, shoes, and home goods right from your curb.


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