May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

Don't Chow Down: Food Allergies

Delicate by C. K. Kelly Martin

At her grandmother's seventy-fifth birthday party, Ivy is in no mood to socialize. Unfortunately, sixteen-year-old Lucan's peanut-allergy reaction happens right in front of her eyes. As Ivy keeps him company, the two realize they're second cousins who haven't seen each other in six years due to a mysterious family feud. As the weeks pass, Lucan's and Ivy's summer seems more like a minefield of disastrous events, but at least they have their developing friendship with each other to count on. Or is that what's really going on?.

Peanut by Ayun Halliday

Nervous about starting her sophomore year at a new high school, Sadie decides to make herself more interesting by claiming to be allergic to peanuts, but her lie quickly spirals out of control.

Delicate monsters by Stephanie Kuehn

Expelled from boarding school for nearly killing a classmate, seventeen-year-old troublemaker Sadie Su interferes in the life of an old childhood friend with dark secrets and his younger brother whose visions predict a violent event at school.

Trial by fire by Josephine Angelini

Lily Proctor is transported from her hometown of Salem to an alternate universe filled with horrifying creatures and powerful ruling women, including Lily's other self, where she faces new responsibilities and a love she never expected.