Board Meeting Minutes — Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM

  • Present:
    N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, D. Turner
  • Absent:
    T. Hartnett
  • Also Present:
    E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(H. Ahmad, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, M. Nicholson, L. Papa, E. Pare, N. Szczepanski) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Director’s Report

Eva Davis informed the board that a commission check in the amount of $619 had been received from the vending machine company, Sterling Services, for the period 3/26 through 4/30/2015. Business Services department head Marian Nicholson is monitoring service compliance from Sterling.


Liberty Fest begins at 1:00 PM on Thursday, June 18. The library will close at 3:00 PM Thursday and not reopen until Sunday June 21 at noon. Abe Vinitski of Canton Township Leisure Services will direct that the street sweepers clean the library parking lots prior to the Sunday reopening.

Davis reminded the board that the Friends of the Library were holding their annual dinner/meeting on June 24; they should RSVP if they have not already done so.

Monday June 15 was the official start to Connect Your Summer; 2,500+ people checked out 7,000+ items.

Also on Monday, State Representative Kristy Pagan booked the Community Room for a July 13 community forum on paid sick leave.

The Executive Director of the Michigan Library Association, Gail Madziar, visited for the first time and was very impressed with the library and the great turnout for the summer reading kickoff.

Davis reminded the board that, as she will be on vacation from July 8 through July 19, they had voted to set the July board meeting back one week to July 23. Trustee J. Fausone stated that he will not be in attendance at that meeting.

Davis recognized Information Services department head Rebecca Havenstein-Coughlin, who recently celebrated her 35th anniversary as a Canton Public Library staff member. She also mentioned that Community Relations department head Laurie Golden just celebrated her tenth anniversary.

Trustee Fausone asked Davis to comment on the conclusions from the Community Satisfaction and Needs Analysis report submitted by I-Labs (from the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Business). She responded that their analysis was limited by the data, which had been obtained from a joint survey with Leisure Services. Davis reviewed a few of the report’s conclusions regarding heavy, moderate, sporadic and non-user groups, and the sub-categories of users identified by the report. The report’s recommendations will be utilized to obtain further targeted data, which in turn will be used to formulate the next Strategic Plan.

Fausone also questioned what movement had been made regarding the bond redemption. Davis said that Wendy Trumbull at Canton Township confirmed that the township’s Building Authority had been dissolved, but that she was working on reconstituting the authority.

Davis reviewed the financial reports, which indicate that the Professional & Contractual and Capital Outlay expenses are trending higher than 40%; they will fall into line as the year progresses.

Trustee Comments


Finance Committee Report


Unfinished Business & General Orders

Transfer of the Endowment Fund

J. Fausone moved and S. Foster supported a motion approve the Resolution to approve the Donor Fund agreement and transfer the funds from the Endowment program.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Don Turner: No
  • James Fausone: Yes
  • Michelle Farell: Yes
  • Sommer Foster: Yes
  • Nancy Eggenberger: Abstain

The motion passed 3-1-1, 15/6-17-1

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Policy (2nd Reading)

J. Fausone moved and M. Farell supported a motion to pass a Resolution to approve the FOIA policy, written public summary and detailed itemization.

Roll Call Vote:

Don Turner: Yes James Fausone: Yes Michelle Farell: Yes Sommer Foster: Yes Nancy Eggenberger: Yes

The motion passed unanimously 15/6-17-2

New Business

Statistic of the Month

Information Services librarian Ellen Pare provided a “deeper dive” into programming statistics with a presentation on the library’s English Language Learner (ELL) services, offered in partnership with the Plymouth-Canton Community Literacy Council. Pare serves on the CLC board and is the library’s primary contact for literacy initiatives. Biweekly conversation group sessions for non-native English speakers began in 2011; the program has since grown to encompass twice weekly sessions, as well as a book discussion group for advanced English speakers. The ELL sessions are the most popular of all adult library programs. Trustee Fausone offered to connect Pare with Schoolcraft College, where interest and attendance in English as Second Language (ESL) courses has been expanding.

Employee Cost-Sharing Option for Medical Premiums

Davis said that, as Blue Care Network’s Healthy Blue Living plan premiums had not increased, she would not need the board to authorize a healthcare plan option; the existing plan would just be renewed.

By Michigan state statute, however, the board would need to approve a method for employee cost sharing of medical premiums. As in the past, it was recommended that option 2 (80/20) be selected, as it was the more equitable option for all affected employees.

J. Fausone moved and S. Foster supported a motion to approve employee cost-sharing option 2 for medical premiums as outlined by P.A. 52 (Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act).

The motion passed unanimously 15/6-17-3.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm