Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

  • Present:
    N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, T. Hartnett, D. Turner
  • Absent:
  • Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(H. Ahmad, L. Davis-Craig, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, L. Papa, N. Szczepanski) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of Closed Session Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


E. Davis shared with the board “thank you” notes from N. Szczepanski and K. Farmer.

A letter from Canton Township Finance and Budget Director Wendy Trumbull indicated that a formal vote was to take place at the January 12 Township Board meeting to appoint individuals to the Building Authority. She will keep Davis updated as to the progress of the property deed situation.

Davis also shared the latest audit report done by Bovitz CPA, P.C. for the Friends of the Library.

Copies of the January 28 issue of the Michigan Library Association’s newsletter, MLA Advocacy, were distributed.

Director’s Report

The Friends of the Library held a beer and wine tasting fundraiser on January 20 at the Canton Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza restaurant. They sold 63 tickets to the event, for a total net gain of $630 (tickets were $25 each, of which the Friends received $10).

Plante Moran will be at the library to perform the 2015 audit the last week of February.

A statistical report from Unique Management Services (the service the library uses to recover materials and cash from delinquent borrowers) was included in the board packet. Trustee D. Turner inquired about the timeline before a patron is turned over to collections. Davis and Circulation Services Department Head Nancy Szczepanski assured him that patrons are given every opportunity to return materials before entering the collections phase.

Davis reviewed the final financial report of 2015, reminding the board that the books will not be officially closed out until the Plante Moran audit.

Finance Committee Report


Trustee Comments

Trustee Turner inquired about two purchases on the December transactions report.

Unfinished Business & General Orders

Confirm Vote Approving 2015 4th Quarter Budget Amendment for MERS Payment

T. Hartnett moved and M. Farell supported a motion to confirm approval of the 2015 4th Quarter budget amendment for MERS payment.

The motion passed unanimously 16/1-28-1

Library Property Split

Surveys and legal descriptions of the proposed parcels were shared with the board. Davis stated that the library’s real estate attorney Scott Hogan and Canton Township’s attorney, Kristin Kolb, will collaborate on language for the easement agreements.

She added that the township broached the subject of cost-sharing the repair and replacement of property owned by the township but utilized by the library and its patrons, such as Civic Center Boulevard and the maintenance of the land between the library’s west parking lot and Veteran’s Way. Their initial proposal is a 50/50 split; Trustee J. Fausone encouraged Davis to continue discussions, as a repair/replace easement agreement on a road would more typically be based on frontage.

New Business

Review of Board Bylaws

The board saw no reason to alter the bylaws, which were last updated in 2014.

2016 Board Agenda Planning

Except for Trustee Turner’s questioning the inclusion of fundraising on three consecutive agendas, and the necessity of adding the swearing in of newly-elected board members at November meetings in an election year, the trustees did not request any changes.

Attendance at Friends’ Board Meetings

A list of 2016 Friends of the Library board meetings was circulated for sign-up by trustees.


The trustees discussed the philosophy of fundraising and whether it was an appropriate function of the board. Members exchanged views regarding solicitations for philanthropic giving, such as that done by the Canton Community Foundation.

The board will continue to discuss fundraising as opportunities arise.

2017 Library Materials Budget

Davis introduced librarian Lisa Davis-Craig who, with Information Services Department Head Rebecca Havenstein-Coughlin, had prepared the 2017 library materials budget document contained in the board packet.

Their recommendation was that, if the board wishes the 2017 materials budget to increase to 15% of the library’s total budget (a pre-requisite for achieving the Excellent Level measurement from the Library of Michigan’s Quality Services Audit Checklist, or QSAC), any additional funding should be concentrated on e-Resources and Lucky Day collections.

Discussion ensued regarding services and costs for the e-Resources being provided to the public by the library, as opposed to costs patrons would incur as individuals for similar services.

The board will consider and give direction to Davis for use by the administration team when constructing the initial 2017 budget proposal.

Date for March Board Retreat

Trustees discussed proposed dates for a March/April retreat to discuss the 2020 Strategic Plan. E. Davis will contact Susan Kennedy of K2 Communication Plus about her availability to meet the evening of April 4 or April 11 and report back to the board at the February meeting.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 PM.