Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM.

Present: (participating remotely from Canton, MI) N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, A. Iqbal, J. Lee,

C.   Spas, A. Watts

Absent: None

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

CALL TO AUDIENCE   (K. Bounds, L. Golden, M. Hathaway, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, J. Noricks, D. Stine, C. Swanberg, J. Visnaw) – None


The agenda was accepted by unanimous consent.


The minutes were accepted by unanimous consent.



As of January 31, the library is 8% of the way through the new fiscal year. On the revenue side, the majority of property tax income has been received. On the expenditure side, two areas are trending higher than 8% but will fall in line over the course of the year: Fringes, due to the bulk annual payment made to MERS to fund the pension plan; and Professional & Contractual, due mainly to annual IT-related licenses and contracts that are due for payment early in the year.

The Plante Moran audit is being completed this week via Zoom and email. They will present their audit report to the board at the April 15 meeting.

Dave Ewick, currently the director at the Southfield Public Library, has accepted the position of Department Head for Information Services. He will assume his new duties on April 12, after officially retiring from Southfield.

Digital periodical services previously supplied by RB Digital have now been folded into the Libby platform, as Overdrive has purchased RB Digital.

To improve security for library card accounts and MyAccount access, security PINs will be instituted for all library cardholders in April.

March is Reading Month, and Information Services Manager Jack Visnaw and the Youth librarian staff are working with Community Relations Department Head Laurie Golden and her staff to offer virtual programming to 1st Grade students and teachers in Canton’s public, private and charter schools.

Director Eva Davis reminded the board members to reach out to L. Golden to arrange for a safely produced photo session. The photos submitted to her for the website have been of varying quality.




Update on Phased Reopening — Circulation Services Department Head Kat Bounds and her staff made the decision to eliminate the lobby holds pick up option. Beginning February 23, patrons may pick up their holds in the library or they can make an appointment for curbside pick up.

Some neighboring libraries are still offering only curbside service, while others are moving toward “grab and go” browsing options.  Vice Chair Michelle Farell asked if people will want more access to the library after the schools open fully on March 1.  E. Davis said that the department heads have been discussing options, but don’t want to be too far in front of other area libraries. Before “lingering” would be allowed, it is likely that other services would be expanded:

  1. Return to full library hours (9AM –9PM Monday-Thursday, 9AM-6PM Friday-Saturday, 12:00-6:00 PM Sunday)
  2. Possible increase in time limits for browsing and computer use
  3. Increased occupancy limit (currently capped at 50 patrons)


Staffing Proposal — M. Farell indicated enthusiasm for a fulltime security monitor position, saying that offering more hours and benefits would contribute to less turnover in the position. In answer to questions raised by Trustee Jasmine Lee regarding potential budget increases and increased salary costs, Davis stated that any increases in the 2021 budget for the fulltime youth librarian position would derive only from increased fringe benefit costs, as the salary costs would be covered by funds which have been budgeted for positions that are now vacant. She hoped that salary costs for the projected conversions to fulltime status (for a security monitor and adult librarian) in 2022/2023 could also be covered through attrition.

The board was in favor of considering such conversions in upcoming budget discussions.

M. Farell moved and J. Lee supported a motion to approve an additional fulltime Youth Librarian  position in 2021.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, A. Iqbal, J. Lee, C. Spas, A. Watts

No: None

Abstain: None

The motion passed unanimously 21/2-18-1

Phase 2 Facilities Proposal — Business Services Department Head Marian Nicholson introduced Dan Stine of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE), whose proposal to engineer and manage the roof and RTU replacements was submitted to the board for consideration. Trustee J. Lee questioned the timing and length of the project (approximately one month for pre-construction and possibly 6-12 weeks for construction, to be completed by, hopefully, the end of the summer) and potential impact on patrons (the building would likely have to be shut down for at least one day when the rooftop cranes hoist the RTUs onto the rooftop.)

Chair Nancy Eggenberger clarified that the motion before the board was to approve the pre-construction, Design-Build contract only; once SEE submits a construction proposal with firm bids, the board will have to vote again to approve the final contract.  M. Nicholson reminded the board that the roof replacement was already in the capital improvements budget for 2022; it would just be pulled into the 2021 budget to achieve the efficiency of having it done in sync with the RTU installation.

A. Watts moved and C. Spas supported a motion to approve a pre-construction Design-Build services contract with Sustainable Energy Engineering for RTU replacement and roofing repair/replacement.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, A. Iqbal, J. Lee, C. Spas, A. Watts

No: None

Abstain: None

The motion passed unanimously 21/2-18/2

2022 Budget Discussion — Expenditures

MERS Pension — Davis explained to the new board members that the library had closed the Municipal Employees Retirement System (MERS) fund to new hires in 2017. Previous boards had approved the Administration’s goal to overfund the existing pension fund with the objective of reaching a self-sustaining level. With that target in mind, she recommended contributing $125,000 in 2022 (the same contribution as in 2021).
The board agreed to a $125,000 placeholder for the 2022 budget.
Library Materials — Davis recommended that the library again budget 15% of total revenues for library materials, with an increasing amount allotted for digital materials, at the suggestion of Collection Specialist Lisa Craig. A cost analysis for vendors to pre-process audio-visual materials will be done.
Craig has attended diversity audit training and is sharing her knowledge with the rest of the collection selectors, which should result in materials being even more representative of the community as a whole. Davis also said that expansion of e-materials means an increase in the library’s International Language offerings.
The board agreed to 15% for materials expenditure for 2022.
Endowment Fund Review — Davis briefly reviewed the Endowment Fund Activity bar graph document, which reflected the growth trend since the library placed the fund with the Canton Community Foundation. Trustee Lee, who is the library’s representative on the CCF Finance Committee, expressed her pride in serving on the committee and in the library’s support of the foundation itself.

Fines Elimination — The board touched on a few factors to consider in discussing the possibility of eliminating overdue fines (motivations for returning items if fines are eliminated, community response to the possibility). They decided to revisit the issue and discuss K. Bounds’ report in greater depth at the March meeting.
CALL TO AUDIENCE – Youth Librarian Manager Jack Visnaw III thanked the board for authorizing the creation of the new fulltime Youth Librarian position.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM.  



Amy Watts, Secretary-Treasurer