Board Meeting Minutes — May 19, 2016

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Present:
    N. Eggenberger, J. Fausone, S. Foster, T. Hartnett, D. Turner
  • Absent: M. Farell
  • Also Present: E. Davis, S. Sharma

Call to Audience

At Chair Eggenberger's invitation, Library Board Trustee candidates Jasmine Lee and Jane Pandit introduced themselves.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Director’s Report

The matter of the library parcel is proceeding. The library’s attorneys from Foster, Swift believe that the maintenance and easement agreements should be approved by the township; the Building Authority will be responsible for signing off on the deed transfer.

The Friends of the Library have a new logo – the result of partnering with a high school teacher at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, whose Graphic Design students submitted entries as part of a class assignment. It will be incorporated into all Friends materials (web page, brochures, etc.)

Davis was to serve as emcee for the Beloved Community essay contest awards on Friday, May 20.

Davis reviewed the financial reports; at one-third of the way through the year, spending is on target although insurance expenditures are trending high, due to premiums being due in the first quarter, and in Capital Outlay, due to the Children’s Library renovation. These will fall into line over the course of the year. On the revenue side, a state aid payment was just received and will be reflected in the May financial report; penal fines will not be received until August.

The library has applied for a grant to install solar panels.

Trustee Comments

Chair N. Eggenberger questioned whether a plaque with the new logo should be placed in the new Friends Activity Room. The room does have a sign (“Friends Activity Room 2016”) and, since the Friends may decide to change their logo again, it was not considered necessary to create a plaque.

Committee Reports


Unfinished Business & General Orders

Approve Revised Employee Handbook — The change Trustee T. Hartnett had requested at the first reading was made. He questioned whether further changes should be made to specifically mention unenunciated categories of people against whom the library will not discriminate. Davis responded that the specified groups were mentioned because they were called out in the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act; any additional categories would be protected by the phrase “all applicable laws.”

T. Hartnett moved and S. Foster supported a motion to approve the revised Employee Handbook as presented.

The motion passed unanimously 16/5-19-1

New Business

2017 Budget (Expenditures) Salaries Recommendation Discussion — Board members discussed moving ahead with the objective, begun in 2016, of moving staff salaries to the midpoint of the salary range, and how to best accomplish that objective. Members were supportive in theory but would like to see numbers. Davis will bring the salary consultant’s report and the salary schedules from 2016 and 2017 to the June meeting.

2017 Budget (Revenues) Property Tax Collection Rate and Millage Rate Discussion — Trustee J. Fausone requested that Davis and the Business Services office prepare a budget at the full millage, with a 98% collection rate, for the board’s initial review.

Proposed Policy Updates (1st Reading) — Chair Eggenberger questioned sections 3-17 and 3-21. The board will continue to review the proposed revisions for further discussion at the June meeting.

2020 Strategic plan - Additional Trustee Comments — Trustee D. Turner would like to see a specific strategy regarding fund balance (either an amount or percentage goal) included, as well as strategic intent regarding managing, reducing, and documenting the reduction of expenses.

Chair Eggenberger mentioned the philosophy of managing library space for future uses.

Call to Audience

 J. Lee questioned the board’s method of vendor selection and the length of contracts; she was informed that the board selected the contractors for the library’s audit and the law firm, for contract lengths decided upon by the board.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.