Board Meeting Minutes — July 21, 2016

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Present:
    N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, T. Hartnett, D. Turner
  • Absent:
    S. Foster, J. Fausone
  • Also Present:
    E. Davis, K. Gladden


Call to Audience

(H. Ahmad, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, J. Lee, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, L. Papa) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Director’s Report

Kathy Rich, the Canton Township Emergency Planner, asked if the library could be one of the community cooling centers, along with the Summit on the Park.

The newly reconstituted Canton Township Building Authority convenes on Tuesday (July 26) at 5:00 PM, when it is hoped they will finalize any issues surrounding the quit claim deed. The maintenance agreement will then need to be authorized by the township Board of Trustees; township attorney Kristin Kolb will notify E. Davis when the issue has been placed on the board’s meeting agenda. The library’s attorney, Scott Hogan, has recommended that the library postpone approval until after the Building Authority and the Township have approved everything first.

The Friends of the Library will have their annual budget meeting on Wednesday, July 27. The decisions made at that meeting will then allow Davis to present firmer budget numbers for the August board meeting, as the first draft of the 2017 library budget includes placeholders for contributions from the Friends, pending approval at their budget meeting.

The library is exactly 50% through the year and the financials are beginning to fall in line. Davis reminded the board that the financials do not reflect the 2nd quarter budget amendment that is later on the agenda, as she did not want to make presumptions about the board’s pending vote.

Trustee Comments

Chair N. Eggenberger expressed enthusiasm that the School of Information at the University of Michigan asked the Canton Public Library to participate in their research on the efforts and impact of public libraries in non-book lending roles, such as community events, in-library programs, and specialized services.

Committee Reports


Unfinished Business & General Orders


New Business

Approval of Proposed Second Quarter Budget Amendment

Trustee D. Turner clarified that the library’s standard procedure, when a surplus is realized at the end of a budget year, is to apply it to offset budgeted expenses (rather than transferring monies from the Fund Balance), or to add it to the Fund Balance.

T. Hartnett moved and M. Farell supported a motion to approve the Second Quarter Budget Amendment as presented.

The motion passed unanimously 16/7-21-1.

First Draft of 2017 Budget and 2018-2019 Projections

Discussion ensued regarding the first draft of the proposed budget; the Capital Assets Replacement Schedule; the proposed 2017-19 Information Technology Budget; and the proposed construction 2017 projects (teen area, tutor rooms and Friends bookstore renovations).

Trustee Turner, noting that last year the board instructed the director to set aside an amount that is roughly equivalent to the former annual bond payments, tein-Coughlinsuggested that the board consider making annual fund balance contribution goals a part of regular budget discussions in the future, as a way of building up and retaining a balance that is consistent with the auditor’s suggested $2 million.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.