Board Meeting Minutes — January 19, 2017

The Chairperson, Michelle Farell, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Present:
    Michelle Farell, Jasmine Lee, Jane Pandit, Don Turner, Amy Watts
  • Absent:
    Nancy Eggenberger
  • Also Present:
    E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(L. Garrett, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, M. Nicholson, A. Seurynck, N. Szczepanski) Linda Garrett spoke about the upcoming Friends of the Library Beer & Wine Tasting Fundraiser at Tony Sacco’s Pizzeria. It will be held on Wednesday, February 22 from 7-9 PM; tickets are $25 (of which the Friends will get $10) and Garrett will personally deliver tickets to anyone who requests them. 

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Director’s Report

E. Davis pointed out that the balance sheet reflects property tax receivables from December 2016; these are monies that were collected in December for the 2017 budget. Davis reminded the board that the profit and loss reports do not reflect official numbers for 2016; final numbers will not be available until after Plante Moran completes the audit in February. She anticipates that, once the fiscal year has been closed by the auditors, the actual amount of the Fund Balance transfer will be far less than was approved by the board in December. Vice Chair D. Turner commented that the library administration’s conservative budgeting techniques were responsible for a positive end-of-year outcome.

Trustee Comments

Trustee J. Pandit had attended a workshop sponsored by the Michigan Municipal League, You Won, Now What? – Newly Elected Officials Training. She found it to be very helpful.

Committee Reports


Unfinished Business & General Orders


New Business

Library/Municipal Law Overview

 Foster, Swift attorney Anne Seurynck – the only attorney in Michigan specializing in library law — spoke to the board about their role as board members; how to avoid violations of the Open Meetings Act; how to handle Closed Session meetings; the importance of abiding by board bylaws; board trustees’ ethical and fiduciary duties; and compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests.

Ad Hoc Committees

Chair M. Farell discussed the possibility of forming a short-term committee to perform initial vetting of various alternatives to the current employee retirement plan. Davis and Business Services Department head M. Nicholson will begin gathering information re: plan alternatives to be presented to the board, and the issue of an ad hoc committee will be revisited in April.

Chair Farell also indicated her preference that an ad hoc committee be formed to prepare and deliver the director’s evaluation; in the past, the evaluation has been written and delivered by the Chair alone.

Motion to Approve Board Resolution Statement of Assurances for the Library of Michigan Grant Program 2017

D. Turner moved and A. Watts supported a motion to approve the resolution to accept a statement of assurances for application for a Library of Michigan LSTA 2017 grant.

Roll Call:


J. Pandit: yes

A. Watts: yes

J. Lee: no

D. Turner: yes

M. Farell: yes

The motion passed 17/1-19-1 (5-0-0)

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM