Board Meeting Minutes — April 21, 2016

The Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM.

  • Present:
    N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, T. Hartnett, D. Turner
  • Absent: None
  • Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(H. Ahmad, F. Audia, M. Crowther, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, J. Lee, D. McHugh, N. McHugh, L. Papa, K. Powers, N. Szczepanski, A. Watts, R. Wolshon) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of April Special Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


E. Davis shared with the board several “thank you” notes: from Doreen Hannon, Director at the Salem-South Lyon District Library (several groups of employees from Salem-South Lyon had visited CPL and been treated to tours of the facilities); from Kirk Borger of the Riverview library, who had obtained information from L. Golden re: the CPL “Meet Your Muslim Neighbor” program and parlayed it into a successful program at Riverview; and from Carol Saunders and Nancy Downs from the Community Literacy Council, who thanked Davis for participating as judge in the recent Adult Spelling Bee fundraiser.

Davis also shared the brochure for the Children’s Library Re-Opening celebration.

Director’s Report

The April 26 Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Board meeting will officially recognize the donations of furniture and other items made by CPL to PCCS schools; Davis, R. Havenstein-Coughlin and L. Golden will attend.

The directors of the Romulus and Ypsilanti libraries will visit on Friday, April 22, and the director and children’s staff of the Redford Township District Library will visit on Tuesday, April 26 to see the new Children’s Library.

Leadership Canton’s project for 2016 is creating public service announcements for local organizations; the Canton Public Library has been chosen to be one of the organizations. Davis will keep the board updated.

The Friends of the Library will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:00 PM.

The May Board meeting will include discussions on 2017 salary increases and property tax collection assumptions.

Davis reviewed the financial reports for March; at 25% through the year, spending is on target although insurance expenditures are trending high, due to premiums being due in the first quarter, and in Capital Outlay, due to the Children’s Library renovation. These will fall into line over the course of the year.

Trustee Comments

Chair N. Eggenberger commented on how impressed she was with the performance of the library’s Spelling Bee team.

Trustee D. Turner asked for detail on the large expenditure to CDW-G in the transactions report. Information Technology department head L. Papa clarified that it was for the purchase of licenses for Windows 10. Trustee Turner further asked about the sources of several smaller deposits into the checking account

Turner also requested that an unfacilitated opportunity be placed on a future agenda for board members to have further input into the new Strategic Plan before it is finalized.

Committee Reports


Unfinished Business & General Orders

Library Parcel - Davis provided a Warranty Deed and supporting documents package, including draft easement agreements, which were prepared by the library’s attorney. The deed reflects a cost-sharing percentage which is in line with the board’s previously indicated preference. The documents are now awaiting the township attorney’s review and comments. Trustee J. Fausone asked Davis whether the documents then go to the Township Board of Trustees directly or if they go back to the Building Authority. Davis was not sure and will follow up.

New Business

Presentation of 2015 Audit Report - Plante Moran was represented by Frank Audia, Melanie Crowther and Kaitlyn Powers. Audia and Crowther briefly presented highlights of the 2015 Financial Report to the board. The auditors once again rendered an unqualified opinion; Audia stated that the library was very healthy financially. He complimented Davis and the board on their prudence in aggressively funding their retirement liability. In response to a question regarding the feasibility of lowering the millage rate, Audia recommended that a small organization such as the library hold one-third of its operating budget in the unassigned fund balance and cautioned the board to consider potential expenditures several budget years out before deciding on a millage adjustment.

Approval of 2015 Audit

J. Fausone moved and T. Hartnett supported a motion to accept the 2015 Audit Report as presented.

The motion passed unanimously 16/4-21-1

Revised Employee Handbook (1st Reading) - Trustee T. Hartnett requested that wording on Page 5 (Reporting a Violation) be changed to indicate that abuse or neglect of a child should be reported to local or state police or Michigan Department of Health and Human Services – Department of Child Protective Services.

Davis also indicated that a typographical error, caught by Chair Eggenberger, would be corrected.

Call to Audience

J. Lee requested information on how a resident could contribute to the Strategic Planning process.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM.