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Animals on Audio

Audiobooks come in many forms, both physical and electronic. If you have any questions about which is which, please stop and ask a Librarian.

Alex and Irene stayed together through thick and thin-despite sneers from experts, extraordinary financial sacrifices, and a nomadic existence from one university to another. The story of their thirty-year adventure is equally a landmark of scientific achievement and of an unforgettable human-animal bond.

Also available in: e-book

A species-by-species tour of the interactions that have occurred between scientists and animal subjects explains what is being discovered about animal communication and awareness and how new findings are raising related moral and ethical issues.

Marine biologist Nate Quinn is in love with the majestic ocean-dwelling behemoths who have been singing their haunting song for twenty million years. But why do the humpback whales sing? That's the question that has Nate and his crew filming, charting, and recording every whale that crosses their path. Until one day when a whale lifts its tail to display a message spelled out in foot-high letters: Bite Me.... 

By turns funny, entertaining, touching, and profound, The Soul of an Octopus reveals what octopuses can teach us about consciousness and the meeting of two very different minds. Find a print copy in our Nonfiction Stacks.

Pax [electronic resource] by Sara Pennypacker
Also available in: e-book

"After being forced to give up his pet fox Pax, a young boy named Peter decides to leave home and get his best friend back"--.

Moby Dick [sound recording] by Herman Melville
Also available in: e-audiobook
Also available in: e-book

Ivan is an easygoing gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely misses his life in the jungle. In fact, he hardly ever thinks about it at all. Then he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from her family, and she makes Ivan see their home-and his own art-through new eyes. When Ruby arrives, change comes with her, and it's up to Ivan to make it a change for the better.

Also available in: e-audiobook

A former British newspaper columnist describes how he uprooted his family to the English countryside and purchased a dilapidated zoo, home to more than two hundred exotic animals, which he planned to refurbish and reopen as a family business, a scheme complicated by a lack of money, skeptical staff, family tension, and his wife's devastating illness.