An Afternoon with WWE Wrestler and American Ninja Warrior, Zach Gowen

Michigan resident Zach Gowen is not your typical amputee. He lost his leg to cancer at age 8 and survived many ups and downs in his life. Zach went on to become the first one legged professional wrestler in history signing a 3 year contract with the WWE. Once his stint was complete, Zach continued his life journey with a number of achievements including the development of his wrestling tag team The Handicapped Heroes and recent appearance on American Ninja Warrior this past June.

Because of this exposure, Zach has turned his attention to supporting the non-profit, The Range of Motion Project (ROMP) whose mission it is to provide high quality prosthetic care and unlocks human potential in underserved populations across the globe. On July 23, in support of ROMP and the American with Disabilities Act, amputees will literally climb mountains in ten different countries. In solidarity with these climbs, Zach will come to Canton Public Library to host a ROMP documentary, show his instructor skills with a DDP Yoga movement demo and conduct a Q&A on his myriad of experiences all to raise awareness for the Range of Motion Project. Join us for the fun and don't forget to bring your own yoga mat or blanket and wear comfortable clothing for the yoga demo.  

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