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African Folkore for Kids

Have you always wanted to read more African Folklore, but you weren't sure where to start? Enjoy these titles from the Kids Folktales and Fairytales section at the library!

A cumulative rhyme relating how Ki-pat brought rain to the drought-stricken Kapiti Plain.

A folk explanation for the guinea fowl's protective coloration that enables it to hide from its natural predator, the lion.

A collection of traditional stories from different parts of Africa, featuring varied characters and themes-- some familiar, some newer.

Collects ten stories of African folklore, from Amharic and Arabic tales to Shona and Zulu lore.

Ananse the spider thinks he will marry the daughter of the village chief, but instead he is outsmarted by Lizard.

Anansi the Spider steals Hyena's magic stick so he won't have to do the chores, but when the stick's magic won't stop, he gets more than he bargained for.

Abiyoyo returns by Pete Seeger

Based on a South African tale, this story tells what happens when a giant who had been banished from a town by a magician thirty years earlier is called back to save the town from flooding.

Anancy Spiderman trades various items with the people he encounters, until he himself is distracted by a bird and ends up empty-handed.

In this version of "Little Red Riding Hood," set in Ghana, a young girl fails to heed Granny's warning about the dangers of talking to strangers.

The day Ocean came to visit by Diane Wolkstein

After hearing Ocean's stories, Sun invites Ocean to the house he shares with his wife, Moon, but his visitor proves to be more than his house can hold.