2017 Budget Hearing Minutes — Thursday, September 15, 2016

The hearing was called to order by the Chairperson, Nancy Eggenberger, at 7:30 PM.

Present: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, T. Hartnett, D. Turner

Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(H. Ahmad, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, J. Lee, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, J. Pandit, N. Szczepanski, A. Watts) None

Budget Hearing

The Proposed 2017 Budget Hearing was opened for discussion.

2016 Proposed Budget Approval

E. Davis spoke briefly on the budget summary, and lauded Building Supervisor Jim Laffey for his attention to repair and scheduled maintenance of the physical plant, which has allowed several capital improvement projects to be postponed to out-years.

Trustee J. Fausone encouraged the Administration to continue increasing projected property tax collection rates in future budgets, and to eventually move to a five-year budget projection to be used as a planning tool.

Chair N. Eggenberger expressed her appreciation that the budget summaries now include the fund balance amount at the bottom of the page.

Trustee Fausone asked for a detailed analysis of energy cost-savings that have resulted from various energy-savings initiatives that have been included in past budgets. Davis will contact the Lawrence Technological University professor whose students performed an energy usage audit at the library as a 2010 class project (the results of which have been a roadmap for the subsequent energy upgrades), to see if he could assign his students to do an update.

T. Hartnett moved and M. Farell supported the approval to adopt the Proposed 2017 Budget amount of $ 6,632,575.

The motion passed unanimously 16/9-15-1-BH

Tax Resolution

S. Foster moved and M. Farell supported the resolution to approve certifying the rate for tax levy of 1.53012 mills for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017.

Roll Call:

Yes: T. Hartnett, D. Turner, M. Farell, S. Foster, N. Eggenberger

No: J. Fausone

The motion passed 5-1-0 (16/9-15-2-BH)

Call to Audience



The Budget Hearing was adjourned at 7:45 PM.