Library gets rave reviews

Part 2 of a news story published November 17, 1988. Published in the Canton Observer and Eccentric.
Library gets rave reviews
[continued from Page 1]

"We wanted to come down here and see what we're paying for," said Lee Schulte, a Canton resident, referring to a 1-mill tax approved in 1986. "It looks like they made plans for expansions."

He was on a self-guided tour Monday with his wife, Mary Ann, who said she was "eager to go home and tell" their two daughters in high school and college "that they have a great place to study."

MARY LINK of Canton compared the new with the old location, 12,000 square feet on the third floor of township hall. "It's nice and roomy" as opposed to "crowded and noisy," she said. "It's a lot easier to find things."

Visiting the library with her two children who are 6 and 8 years old, Link said, she appreciated the separation of older and younger children's books. "They usually take 10 books apiece," she said.

David Cwikla, a library volunteer diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis, uses a battery operated chair to maneuver about. The Canton resident was burdened more than anyone by the tight aisles in township hall. "I didn't know waht to do with all this room," he said Monday.

John Wright, teaching himself how to use one of the self-explaining computers, said the library was "very nice indeed." He hadn't had a chance to tour the entire library but liked what he'd seen so far.

Harold Baker of Canton missed access to any library since the township hall location closed Oct. 16. "I've been looking forward to having either one open," he said.

With carpenters making finishing touches throughout the building, library director Jean Tabor said the $4.5 million project will be complete by the first week in December.

A library open house and dedication Sunday drew more than 1,000 visitors. The library operates 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 12-5 p.m. Sunday.

[Erin Schumaker, 4, comments about one of a stack of book she chose from the children's area.]
[Joe Slovik takes time out to read a magazine.]
[Rosalie Warheit, reference librarian, studies a computer as Danielle Drabek, 3, looks on.]
[photos by BILL BRESLER/staff photographer]