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Thorndyke Thoughts: More Mo

The story of Diva and Flea by as told & shown by Mo Willems and Tony DiTerlizzi

Hey Kids,
I've always loved the storybook characters that live in the library with me. My fellow bears Winnie the Pooh and Paddington, along with Scaredy Squirrel, Olivia, Curious George, and so many others. But there's always been a special place in my heart for Elephant and Piggie and the Pigeon

You might not know, but there's a new story by Mo Willems, the gentleman who's responsible for the incredible Elephant and Piggie series. For readers who hate to say goodbye to the picture books and easy readers of Mo Willems, there's a new Chapter Book. I highly recommend it, although be warned: there's a new illustrator on board and there's not quite as much silliness involved.

Bear Hugs,
