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Realistic Fiction for Second Grade

Looking for books about regular folk? No fairies or princesses, mysteries, or history here.

Ivy and Bean by written by Annie Barrows  Looking for tales of friendship? Check out all the Ivy and Bean books at J FICTION BARROWS.

Freckle juice by Judy Blume  For anyone who thought having freckles is a good idea because they disguise the dirt on your neck.

Gooney Bird Greene by Lois Lowry  All about an imaginative second-grader who likes to tell stories.

EllRay Jakes is not a chicken by Sally Warner  EllRay Jakes is trying to stay out of trouble so he can earn an exceptional reward. For other EllRay Jakes stories, check J FICTION WARNER.

Alvin Ho allergic to girls, school, and other scary things by Lenore Look — Read more about seven-year-old Alvin Ho and his fears by searching for the title Alvin Ho.