May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

National Poetry Month Biographies

Celebrate National Poetry Month by getting to know more about the lives of some of our greatest poets:

Longfellow: a rediscovered life by Charles C. Calhoun



Yeats's ghosts: the secret life of W.B. Yeats by Brenda Maddox





Dylan Thomas: a new life by Andrew Lycett





From noon to starry night: a life of Walt Whitman by Philip Callow





Rough magic: a biography of Sylvia Plath by Paul Alexander





Dante by R.W.B. Lewis





Wordsworth: a life by Juliet Barker





And bid him sing: a biography of Countée Cullen by Charles Molesworth






Keats by Andrew Motion





Phillis Wheatley: biography of a genius in bondage by Vincent Carretta





Being Shelley by Ann Wroe





Byron—child of passion, fool of fame by Benita Eisler





The life of Langston Hughes. Vol. 1. 1902-1941, I too, sing America by Arnold Rampersad





Always the young strangers by Carl Sandburg





Chaucer 1340-1400: the life and times of the first English poet by Richard West





My wars are laid away in books: the life of Emily Dickinson by Alfred Habegger





Robert Frost: a life by Jay Parini





Savage beauty: the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Nancy Milford





E.E. Cummings: a biography by Christopher Sawyer- Lauçanno





T.S. Eliot: an imperfect life by Lyndall Gordon





The broken tower: a life of Hart Crane by Paul Mariani