Meeting Minutes Proposed 2011 Budget Hearing - September 16, 2010

The hearing was called to order by the Chairperson, Colleen VanAuken, at 7:31 PM
Present: J. Fausone, K. Schulz, M. Siegrist, G. Snow, D. Turner, C. VanAuken
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Budget Hearing

The Proposed 2011 Budget Hearing was opened for discussion.

No public comments (G. Bell, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, A.Heidemann, N. Szczepanski, B. Czerniak)

Trustee Fausone thanked the Administration for all the hard work done on the 2011 budget and also lauded the Friends for their generosity which made programming possible in the coming year. He stated that, while he would be voting in favor of the budget and against the millage re-set, the financial situation facing the library would not be improving and he felt putting off inevitable cuts would make it even more painful to balance the budget in the out-years. Fausone said that Board members needed to discuss revenue enhancement possibilities in the upcoming months.

Vice-Chair Siegrist concurred in lauding the Friends generosity and the need to discover revenue enhancement opportunities.

2011 Proposed Budget Approval

M. Siegrist moved and G. Snow supported the approval to adopt the Proposed 2011 Budget amount of $4,969,210. (See Attachment A)

The motion passed unanimously 10/09-16-1-BH

Tax Resolution

M. Siegrist moved and K. Schulz supported the resolution to approve certifying the rate for tax levy of 1.5437 mills for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011.
(See Attachment B)

A roll call vote was taken:

Aye: C. Van Auken, D. Turner, K. Schulz, M. Siegrist, G. Snow
Nay: J. Fausone
The motion passed 10/09-16-2-BH


The budget hearing was adjourned at 7:40 PM