Meeting Minutes — March 15, 2012

The Chairperson, Don Turner, called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM
Present: J. Fausone, M. Siegrist, D. Turner, K Schulz, C. Van Auken
Absent: G. Snow
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call To Audience

(B. Czerniak, L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, A. Heidemann, S. Kennedy, L. Papa, N. Szczepanski)
E. Davis requested change to agenda: move Susan Kennedy K2+ Communications presentation to the beginning and the director's evaluation to the end.

Approval Of Agenda

The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.

Approval Of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


Email was received from Cecil Young; he and G. Snow are still in Florida and Trustee Snow will not attend the March board meeting.

Director's Report

Destination Imagination Team received a special commendation at their regional competition: the Torch Bearer Award, given to them for their innovative response to the library's financial situation. They will participate in the state finals on April 21 at Central Michigan University. Davis thanked Chair Turner and his wife for attending the regional competition in Sterling Heights.

The new carpet for the Internet Lab (approved at the January meeting) will be installed during the first week of April. At best, the Internet Lab will be closed for three (3) days to accommodate tear down/installation/replacement; at worst, it could be closed for four (4) days. The room has been blocked off for the whole week just in case; no classes have been scheduled.

Adult librarian Karen Stark is retiring on April 20 after 15 years at CPL; her position will be filled as the department is not yet at full strength.

The library will be filing charges against and seeking restitution from a teen patron who was caught on video vandalizing one of the tables in Teen Place. The cost to replace the laminate table top is around $800.

Bevis Richardson will be retiring as co-manager of Secondhand Prose, although she will continue to volunteer in the bookstore. Her replacement will be Kathy Young, former Library Board Trustee, who will co-manage with Lynda Baker.

Unfinished Business And General Orders

MERS Health Care Savings Program — E. Davis asked permission to work with the Finance Committee as there is more research to be done in this area. She has a list of 15 libraries using the MERS plan, including four (4) — Grand Rapids, Flint, Kalamazoo and Traverse City — who converted to MERS from a traditional plan similar to the library's current plan. The new plan would apply to employees who will be retiring in the near future and those retirees who are not currently on our plan; at this time, current retirees will not be affected by the change.

New Business

2012-2014 Strategic Planning — Susan Kennedy of K2+ Communications requested input and insight as to what areas the board thinks should be explored, to be utilized in the research and discovery phase of the next Strategic Plan. Trustee Fausone strongly suggested that any research delve into the economic reality of what the world and Canton will look like in the next few years and how CPL will fit in. Chair Turner echoed his belief that any plan should consider the world that we live in from both an economic and a services delivery standpoint. Vice Chair Schulz questioned whether enough business programming is being done and also whether we should be more proactive in marketing our services to other unserved or underserved communities.

Online Board Packet Options — The board expressed unanimous approval of the new PDF board packet and prefers that it continue to be delivered to them via email. K. Gladden will send them email links to libraries that put their board packets on their websites and will also touch base with those libraries to see what — if any — problems or extra work for staff have been caused by making the packets available in this way.

Pedigrid Entrance Floor Mat — E. Davis reminded the board that this is an unbudgeted item and may require a Fund Balance transfer if it cannot be paid for out of the Operating Fund.

C. Van Auken moved and M. Siegrist supported a motion to approve the Clear Fortress proposal to replace the Pedigrid Entrance Floor Mat in lobby.

The motion passed unanimously, 12/03-15-1

Unfinished Business And General Orders

(per amended agenda)

Director's Evaluation — E. Davis requested that the board move into Closed Session.

D. Turner moved and C. Van Auken supported a motion to move into a Closed Session.

Roll call vote:

  • James Fausone — yes
  • Michael Siegrist — yes
  • Colleen Van Auken — yes
  • Don Turner — yes
  • Kim Schulz — yes

The motion passed unanimously, 12/3-15-2

Regular Meeting

Resumed At 9:10 PM

J. Fausone moved and C. Van Auken supported a motion to award a $250 bonus to the director of the Canton Public Library, in line with bonuses previously given to the rest of the staff.

The motion passed unanimously, 12/3-15-3

Call To Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.
Colleen Van Auken — Secretary/Treasurer