Meeting Minutes — June 20, 2013

The Chairperson, Kim Schulz, called the meeting to order at 7:29 pm.

Present: N. Eggenberger, J. Fausone, T. Hartnett, K. Schulz
Absent: M. Farell, S. Foster
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden, D. Huntzicker

Call to Audience

(M. Barker, L. Golden, L. Papa, S. Rzetelny, N. Szczepanski, N. Welz) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


E. Davis shared a copy of a letter from the Baldwin Public Library Board to Commissioners Dwyer and Gershenson of the Oakland County Commission re: enlisting their support in an effort to alter state law to exclude libraries from the list of places where it is lawful to openly carry firearms. The Baldwin board had asked that Davis share the letter with the Canton Public Library Board of Trustees in the hope that they, too, would send a similar request to Canton’s representatives on the Wayne County Commission.

Director’s Report

Davis (along with trustees Hartnett, Eggenberger and Foster) attended a TLN workshop on Working with Boards: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly the previous week. All felt the experience had been worthwhile.

L. Golden will be presenting at the American Library Association conference next week, talking about the library’s Connect Your Summer program on a panel discussing gameification in libraries; CPL will be the only public library represented on the panel.

Davis is working on her mid-year self-assessment and will send it to Chair K. Schulz. Input from staff is also being collected.

Committee Reports

– Recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting will be presented during discussions of the employee medical plan and cost-sharing options.

Unfinished Business & General Orders

- None

New Business

Connect Your Summer Overview – Program Specialists M. Barker and N. Welz did a brief presentation, explaining the Connect Your Summer program for the new board members, and detailing changes made to the program as a result of suggestions made by patrons last year.

Review of employees medical plan options for 2013/2014 and the impact of state and federal laws - Dave Huntzicker of Kapnick Insurance Group spoke about the various medical insurance plans available and also the cost-sharing options (hard cap versus 80/20) mandated by PA 152. K. Schulz explained that, from the perspective of the Finance Committee, their goal was to simplify choices for the staff, as so much complexity lies in store for everyone when the Affordable Care Act achieves full implementation in January 2014.

Approval of employee medical plan option - The BCN Basic plan (Option 1) is much simpler (both to administer and comply with) and retains more benefits than the BCN Healthy Blue Living plan (Option 2); therefore, the Finance Committee recommended that the board approve Option 1.

J. Fausone moved and T. Hartnett supported a motion to select Option 1 (BCN Basic) as recommended by the Finance Committee.

The motion passed unanimously 2013/6-20-1.

Approval of cost-sharing option for medical premiums - The BCN Basic plan (Option 1) is much simpler (both to administer and comply with) and retains more benefits than the BCN Healthy Blue Living plan (Option 2); therefore, the Finance Committee recommended that the board approve Option 1.

J. Fausone moved and T. Hartnett supported a motion to select Option 1 (BCN Basic) as recommended by the Finance Committee.

The motion passed unanimously 2013/6-20-1.

D. Huntzicker will return in July to explain the plan to the affected employees; the new plan will take effect August 1. He provided the board with a Health Care Reform Checklist which details steps that must be taken to be compliant with current regulations of the Affordable Care Act. He will also coordinate with S. Rzetelny re: providing information to all employees about the ACA marketplace prior to October 1.

Approval of proposed change to 2013 IT budget - Savings achieved on Storage Area Network (SAN) purchases in 2013 have made it possible to move up planned IT budget expenditures from 2014 to 2013. Board approval is required to reallocate the funds saved (from this year’s IT Capital budget) to the purchase of 29 replacement staff computers in 2013. The Finance Committee recommended approval of this expenditure, which will be reflected in the 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment in July.

T. Hartnett moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to approve the proposed change to the 2013 IT budget.

The motion passed unanimously 2013/6-20-3.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM.