May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

Fiction With Fur: Teen Fiction for Animal Lovers

The summer of no regrets by Katherine Grace Bond

The nature of Jade by Deb Caletti

Rover by Jackie French

The goose girl by Shannon Hale

Wisdom's Kiss: a thrilling and romantic adventure, incorporating magic, villany, and a cat by written by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

East by Edith Pattou

Cat Girl's day off by Kimberly Pauley

Endangered by Eliot Schrefer

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Stray by Elissa Sussman

What comes after by Steve Watkins