Meeting Minutes — February 21, 2013

The Chairperson, Kim Schulz, called the meeting to order at 7:29 pm.

Present: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, T. Hartnett, K. Schulz
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

(R. Havenstein-Coughlin, L. Papa, S. Rzetelny, N. Szczepanski) – None

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


Plante & Moran auditors will be in next week (February 25-March 1); the results of their audit will be presented to the board at the April 18 meeting.

Copies of the 2012 edition of the Michigan Public Libraries Data Digest were supplied to the board; the data was derived from yearly state aid reports.

Board members were invited to upcoming discussions of the book Good to Great, a program of the new Business Resource Center; copies of the book were available for interested trustees.

Director’s Report

The library team for the March 13 (7:00 PM) Community Literacy Council Spelling Bee is complete; the board is encouraged to turn out and cheer on the team, which is being sponsored by the Friends.

E. Davis thanked Business Services Department Head Sheryl Rzetelny and Building Supervisor Jim Laffey for their work in coordinating the construction of the new study rooms.

Committee Reports

– E. Davis and S. Rzetelny met with K. Schulz, S. Foster and N. Eggenberger to brainstorm re: what to do with the funds remaining from the dissolution of the former Retiree Health Funding Vehicle. The Finance Committee has nothing to report to the board as of yet.

Unfinished Business & General Orders

- None

New Business

Statistic of the Month – Circulation Services Department Head Nancy Szczepanski provided an overview of the library’s circulation policy and borrowing statistics of resident vs. non-resident library users.

Renewal of Jungle Java Express Lease – Davis requested direction from the board for her preliminary lease renewal discussions with the owners of Jungle Java Express. Chair Schulz and Vice Chair Fausone briefly outlined the history of the café and of past negotiations with the current occupants of the space. The newer board members expressed a desire to discuss some form of rental fee or level of financial support for the library and to be provided with financial data before agreeing to a lease renewal in May 2013.

Call to Audience

– None


The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM.