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Plain Kate

One of my esteemed colleagues, whose opinion I value very highly, once gave a presentation illustrating that you can tell a book by its cover. So, when I picked up Plain Kate by Erin Bow to read, I looked at its cover and thought I was in for a fanciful tale about an orphan girl and her cat, probably set in 18th century London; a simple, sweet story about a chimney sweep lass — along the lines of Mary Poppins and Bert. Forget it! Witchcraft, mysteriously sinister magic, gyspies, bigotry, superstition, loss of loved ones, hunger, plagues, death… those are but some of the dark elements behind this light dreamy-looking cover. However, one also encounters friendship, courage, love, forgiveness, development of a gifted, lonely soul, and a human-animal bond that surpasses all evil in the world. In short, Plain Kate is a great read, with twists and turns that you simply never expect. Check it out and let others know what YOU think! (There is a very poignant dedication at end, page 314, that you won't want to miss.)