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Storytime at Home

Bummed that storytime is on break until November 9th? Share these stories at home with your children to tide them over with some great story fun!

Princess Pig by written by Eileen Spinelli; illustrated by Tim Bowers — when the Pickle Princess's sash blows away from her parade and lands on Pig, things change around the barnyard. As Pig begins to explore the possibilies of royalty, Pony reminds her that you don't have to be a princess to be special.

Traction Man is here! by Mini Grey — the hilarious domestic adventures of a boy and his action figure.

Dinosaur vs. bedtime by Bob Shea — dinosaur is fierce, but has he met his match when it's time for bedtime?

Naked mole rat gets dressed by words and pictures by Mo Willems — when you're a little bit mole, a little bit rat, and all naked is it ok to go against the norm and experiment with fashion?