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Of Mice and Men...and Pie and Cheese and Cats

Are you in the mood for a delicious story to savor this holiday season? One that is skillfully baked, flavorful, and not too heavy? Then sample Pie by Sarah Weeks and/or The Cheshire Cheese Cat — a Dickens of a Tale by Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright. These savory tales have a pinch of mystery and history, but family, friendship, and faith in oneself are the bread and butter of both books. Seasoned with laughter and garnished with a touch of magic make them tantalizing literary treats you won't want to miss. Feast upon Pie, and you will soon be drooling for a slice. If you are an intrepid baker, you can even attempt to create the culinary delights described because recipes are included with each chapter. If, however, only Cheshire cheese will appease your appetite, you might need to visit your local market since making and aging cheese is a bit more dicey. Eat, Read, and be Merry!