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Mysteries of the Magnificent Variety

Are you looking for a great mystery with some meat to it? Lewis Buzbee has written such awesome books. In Steinbeck's Ghost, 13-year-old Travis, unhappy about his family's recent move, finds he can still connect with his old life at the Salinas Library re-reading his favorite books. He enjoys Steinbeck — after all, Salinas is Steinbeck's hometown. But suddenly he begins seeing the characters spring to life. As he struggles to solve this mystery, budget cuts threaten his library. In looking for ways to save his haven, Travis uncovers many truths and stumbles into a story Steinbeck might be telling him to write.

Meet another cast of memorable characters in The Haunting of Charles Dickens. Meg Pickel and her family are great friends of the famous author Charles Dickens. One night her older brother Orion mysteriously disappears. Meg traverses the rooftops and alleys of 1862 London desperately searching for him. Clues lead her one night to a strange seance where she stumbles into Charles who is also on a quest — to find fodder for his next novel. Working together they soon discover an untold number of children have been disappearing. Supense, action, and wild turns of fortune are interwoven into a dramatic depiction of 19th cenuture London.
Magnificent mysteries for March!