As a boy, John James Audubon loved to watch birds. In 1804, at the age of eighteen, he moved from his home in France to Pennsylvania. There he took a particular interest in peewee flycatchers. While observing these birds, John James became determined to answer a pair of two-thousand-year-old questions: Where do small birds go in the winter, and do they return to the same nest in the spring?.

An introduction to the unconventional life of the eminent mathematician describes the phenomenal math talents he demonstrated from an early age while revealing how he was often stymied by everyday tasks.

When Abigail Iris finally gets the new kitten she has been wanting, she learns about the responsibilities that come with pet ownership, as well as the impact a kitten can have on a large family like hers.

Amelia Bedelia goes wild! by Herman Parish

"Amelia Bedelia is sick the day her class goes to visit the zoo. She doesn't want to be left out, so she comes up with a brilliant idea--she'll create a zoo in her backyard, using all her classmates' pets. But she doesn't know exactly how to tell her parents about her great plan"--.

Though scoffed at by Harold the dog, Chester the cat tries to warn his human family that their foundling baby bunny must be a vampire.

Make something new out of something old! These books feature earth-friendly crafts made out of recycled materials.

Provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for nine eco-friendly craft projects that can be made from old wrappers, cans, and bottles, including picture frames, origami cranes, a ring, and others.

Provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for nine eco-friendly craft projects that can be made from old t-shirts, including dog toys, a bag, a rug, and others.

When a valuable painting is stolen from a local art museum, fourth-grade super-sleuth Joe Sherlock investigates, aided by his sister, Hailey.

Better Nate than ever by Tim Federle

An eighth-grader who dreams of performing in a Broadway musical concocts a plan to run away to New York and audition for the role of Elliot in the musical version of "E.T".

The Blackhope enigma by Teresa Flavin

Fourteeen-year-old Sunni, her stepbrother Dean, and an art-student friend trace the footsteps of a labyrinth built in Blackhope Tower by a mysterious and brilliant sixteenth-century artist, and suddenly find themselves trapped inside his enchanted painting, trying desperately to get out.

Explore the arts with your favorite characters (or some new friends)  in these kids movies!

A young girl tours and twirls through museum galleries experiencing different emotions evoked by different styles of art, and then expresses her energy and inspiration when she finds an empty canvas.

Four-year-old Caillou learns new lessons about life and the world around him. Contains twelve art-themed episodes.

Love chess? Want to learn? Check out ChessKid to learn the rules, practice your skills, and play games for free! ChessKid provides a safe, fun, pressure-free environment for kids of all ages to enjoy chess.

Surf the web Dewey-style! On #DeweyBrowse, thousands of fun and educational web sites are organized based on the Dewey Decimal System. Explore everything from technology to history with this awesome resource and don't forget to claim your Geek Out badge when you're done!

Love scary movies? Use one to earn your eLectrified badge this summer! These horror flicks are available on DVD at the library or streaming through Hoopla

Animal Lover

How did Detroit grow from frontier to factory town? Explore an interactive timeline of the city's history OR play the game Building Detroit on this site created by the Detroit Historical Society

In 1979, President Jimmy Carter decreed that the month of June would be a celebration of African-American music. Continue the tradition by exploring CDs, books, and movies by and about African-American artists. 

