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History, boring? Never!

Looking for some fun historical reads? Look no further.

Sugar changed the world: a story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and science by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos

Countdown by Deborah Wiles

Journey into Mohawk Country as written by H.M. van den Bogaert with artwork by George O'Connor and color by Hilary Sycamore

The trouble begins at 8: a life of Mark Twain in the wild, wild West by Sid Fleischman

Marooned: the strange but true adventures of Alexander Selkirk, the real Robinson Crusoe by Robert Kraske

Once by Morris Gleitzman

Charles and Emma: the Darwins' leap of faith by Deborah Heiligman

The dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan; drawings by Peter Sis

Amelia lost: the life and disappearance of Amelia Earhart by Candace Fleming