Follow the Money

Do you ever wonder where all of your tax dollars are being spent? Do you need to know what the country's national debt is — and who's holding it? Or do you just want to know what campaign donations are being received by your legislators — and from whom? The answers to all of these burning questions can be found by a few clicks of your browser. is a searchable database of all federal contracts, including the amount of the award and who's receiving it. For complete up to the minute information on the national debt, the U.S. Treasury site has it all. And to follow your legislators' campaign funds there are several places to check. Follow the Money matches state legislators nationwide with both their committee memberships and their campaign donations. The Michigan Secretary of State also provides campaign finance and lobbyist reports. But for a comprehensive, nonpartisan resource for campaign contributions and lobbying data, can't be beat. The mission of this award-winning site from the Center for Responsive Politics is to track the money in U.S. politics and its effect on both elections and public policy.