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Connect Your Kitchen

Tender: a cook and his vegetable patch by Nigel Slater

Cooks' house: the art and soul of local, sustainable cuisine by Eric Patterson and Jennifer Blakeslee; photography by Thomas Kachadurian

The family dinner: great ways to connect with your kids, one meal at a time by Laurie David; with recipes by Kirstin Uhrenholdt; foreword by Harvey Karp; afterword by Jonathan Safran Foer; photographs by Maryellen Baker; illustrations by Sarah Coleman; additional photographs by Randt Baird

Brunetti's cookbook by recipes by Roberta Pianaro; culinary stories by Donna Leon; illustrated by Tatjana Hauptmann

The lazy gourmet: magnificent meals made easy by Robin Donovan and Juliana Gallin; foreword, by Joanne Weir

The Deen bros. get fired up: grilling, tailgating, picnicking, and more by Jamie and Bobby Deen, and Melissa Clark

Table of contents: from breakfast with Anita Diamant to dessert with James Patterson-- a generous helping of recipes, writings, and insights from today's bestselling authors by Judy Gelman & Vicki Levy Krupp

India cookbook by written by Pushpesh Pant

Radically simple: brilliant flavors with breathtaking ease by Rozanne Gold

Cooking from the garden: best recipes from Kitchen gardener by edited by Ruth Lively

Favorite food at home: delicious comfort food from Ireland's most famous chef by Rachel Allen

Looking for more? Try some of the titles from 30 Absolutely Indispensable Items for Foodies: an Amazingly Idiosyncratic List.