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Time Management

There are many approaches to seeking self-actualization; and the library is a great place to find self-help materials about them. If you're interested in realizing your full potential, your method of achieving that goal might include minimalism, and it will likely require time management:


Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen

The 80/20 individual: how to accomplish more by doing less — the nine essentials of 80/20 success at work by Richard Koch

The dip: you will always succeed if you know when to quit by Seth Godin

The 7 habits of highly effective people: powerful lesssons in personal change by Stephen R. Covey

Eliminate the chaos at work: 25 techniques to increase productivity by Laura Leist

Make every second count: time management tips and techniques for more success with less stress by Robert Bly

Organizing your day: time management techniques that will work for you by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims

Successful time management for dummies by Dirk Zeller

The myth of multitasking: how "doing it all" gets nothing done by Dave Crenshaw


The 7 habits family collection [sound recording]: leadership where it matters most by Stephen R. Covey

Amy Knapp's family organizing handbook: 314 mom-tested super tips, tricks, and secrets to take care of everything with time left for what really matters by Amy Knapp

The organized parent: 365 simple solutions to managing your home, your time, and your family's life by Christina Baglivi Tinglof

The five-minute mom's club: 105 tips to make a mom's life easier by Stephanie Vozza


Time management from the inside out [videodisc]: the foolproof system for taking control of your schedule — and your life

168 hours: you have more time than you think by Laura Vanderkam

The complete idiot's guide to organizing your life by Georgene Lockwood

The other 8 hours: maximize your free time to create new wealth & purpose by Robert Pagliarini

Making time: why time seems to pass at different speeds and how to control it by Steve Taylor

Simplify your time: stop running & start living! by Marcia Ramsland


Tutor in a book: better grades as easy as 1-2-3: organization, time management, study skills by Alexandra Mayzler and Ana McGann

That crumpled paper was due last week: helping disorganized and distracted boys succeed in school and life by Ana Homayoun

Thinking organized for parents and children: helping kids get organized for home, school & play by Rhona M. Gordon


ACT! 2007 for dummies by Karen S. Fredricks

Outlook 2010 all-in-one for dummies by Jennifer Fulton and Karen S. Fredricks