Meeting Minutes - May 20, 2010

The Chairperson, Colleen Van Auken, called the meeting to order at 7:31PM
Present: K. Schulz, M. Siegrist, C. Van Auken, J. Fausone, G. Snow, D. Turner
Also Present: E. Davis, S. Rzetelny

Call to Audience

No comments (A. Heidemann, L. Papa, Ellen Pare, Michael Pare)

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the April 15 meeting were approved as presented


E. Davis shared with the Board a note from Peg Britz on behalf of the Friends Board and Secondhand Prose volunteers, thanking the library for the volunteer luncheon.

Report of the Library Director

E. Davis reported that Nancy Szczepanski had accepted the new position of Department Head for Circulation Services, in charge of a group of roughly 50 employees. She will assume her new duties as of June 1. Leo Papa will continue on as interim supervisor for the rest of the Technical Services group (9-10 people).

Davis mentioned a spate of articles and emails about other Metro Detroit libraries that are cutting hours, cutting staff, etc. in an effort to cope with the current budget realities.

Old Business

Furlough Analysis – Chair Van Auken stressed that furloughs were under discussion solely to give the Director guidance when preparing budget recommendations, to avoid the necessity of preparing multiple budgets to reflect the various options contained in Jennie Cushman’s report. Davis said that she would like the Board’s preference upfront now, even if furloughs eventually are not included in the 2011 budget, to avoid last minute budget scenarios. She indicated that two components of the budget are being scrutinized for additional cost savings – the MERS full-time employee retirement plan and the health care plan (also for full-time employees). There also will probably be some savings from the materials budget, as the 12% (of the entire budget) allotment will be a lesser amount than in previous years, as the budget itself has shrunk (12% is the standard to retain CPL’s accreditation status).

Consideration was given to the various options in the Cushman furlough analysis report, as well as other suggestions such as later opening hours, with the Board as a whole endorsing the federal holidays option as the one to pursue, if necessary.

Trustee Fausone requested that the June meeting agenda contain as an item of discussion the possibility of paying some or all of the 2011 debt obligation from the Fund Balance.

Update on New Sorting Room – L. Papa stated that the project has gone well and that the custom software upgrade from Innovative Interfaces has been received and the new security system has been flipped on. The system itself will arrive sometime in June and will be installed by the RFID vendor. The project may run slightly over budget, due to unexpected costs incurred during the renovation of the former Copy Center (moving a sprinkler head, additional lighting required to acquire the building permit, etc.). In all, he feels the closing of the Copy Center was a good move and that adding the former Copy Center staff to the Circulation staff has created more efficiency in supporting public service.

New Business

Revision of Computing Resources Policy – E. Davis presented updates to the Computer Resources Policy to reflect the following: removal of references to the Copy Center; language added to the Public Blog section to cover the library’s social media sites; and revisions to the age ranges for using the tween and children’s computers to include any child up through 6th grade and up through 4th grade, respectively, as well as their accompanying caregivers.

J. Fausone and D. Turner supported a motion to amend the CPL Computing Resources Policy as proposed.

The motion passed unanimously 10/05-20-1.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:23PM