Meeting Minutes - July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011 — 7:30 p.m.
The Chairperson, Michael Siegrist, called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Present: M. Siegrist, K. Schulz, G. Snow, D. Turner, C. Van Auken
Absent: J. Fausone
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call To Audience

(G. Bell, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, A. Heidemann, L. Papa, S. Rzetelny, N. Szczepanski, C. Young, A. Young-Snow):

Cecil Young spoke about the proposed Volunteer Code of Conduct policy and of his desire that the non-discrimination clause language be altered to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identification" as protected classes in the policy. He indicated that he believes that the library will appear to be a more inclusive and welcoming place to a younger generation of library users if the proposed changes are made.

Approval Of Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval Of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Report Of The Library Director

Approximately $188,000 in additional delinquent property taxes was received from Wayne County (monies levied in December 2009 for the fiscal year 2010.) Because of this additional revenue, the department heads are looking at accelerating some 2012 projects into 2011, which will be brought to the board for approval as outlined in the Purchasing Policy.

Committee Reports


Unfinished Business

Materials Selection Policy revision — C. Van Auken moved and K. Schulz supported a motion to accept the Materials Selection Policy revision as written

The motion passed unanimously 11/07-21-1.

Display/Exhibit Policy - D. Turner moved and C. Van Auken supported a motion to accept the Display/Exhibit Policy as written.

The motion passed unanimously 11/07-21-2

2012-2014 Draft Budget — E. Davis presented a first draft proposal of the 2012 budget which incorporates the capital outlay into the operating budget without requiring a fund balance transfer. L. Papa spoke briefly re: the 977 expenditures relating to capital outlay on technology (computer and server replacements and upgrades, etc.).

New Business

Circulation Policy, first reading — New policy document was created by pulling items requiring board approval from currently existing Circulation Procedures manual; it reflects current practices but does not reflect any dollar amounts (such as fees or fines) which are levied at the administration’s discretion.

Volunteer Code of Conduct, first reading — Trustee G. Snow spoke in favor of the library demonstrating social leadership by inserting the terms "sexual orientation" and "gender identification" into the statement of non-discrimination. E. Davis explained that the list of protected classes is required by state law and outlined the attorney’s opinion that only those protected classes be listed in the policy. Recognizing that the library has an overall policy of non-discrimination, the direction from the board as a whole was to leave the language as-is.

Benefits Review (1) — Healthcare: D. Turner moved and K. Schulz supported a motion to renew the current healthcare policy with Blue Care Network and to raise the employee contribution to 10% of the premium.

Motion passed unanimously 11/07-21-3.

Benefits Review(2) - Short- and Long-term Disability: C. Van Auken moved and D. Turner supported a motion to cancel The Standard and enter into a contract with SunLife.

Motion passed unanimously 11/07-21-4.

Benefits Review (3) — Retirement: K. Schulz moved and D. Turner supported a motion to accept the Roth and Transition Support Services amendments to our current Nationwide Retirement Solutions 457(b) contract.

Motion passed unanimously 11/07-21-5.

Call To Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.