Meeting Minutes — February 17, 2011

The Chairperson, Michael Siegrist, called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
Present: J. Fausone, M. Siegrist, K. Schulz, D. Turner, C. Van Auken
Absent: G. Snow
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call to Audience

No comments (R. Havenstein-Coughlin, A. Heidemann, L. Papa, S. Rzetelny, N. Szczepanski)

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

Approval of Minutes

D. Turner moved and C. Van Auken supported a motion to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2011 meeting.
The motion passed unanimously 11/2-17-1


E. Davis shared communications from Trustee Snow, indicating that while he would not be present at the February meeting, he hoped to attend the one in March.

Davis urged Board members to volunteer for the library’s Community Literacy Council Spelling Bee team; L. Papa and his wife Linda will be representing the library, but the team still needs an additional member.

Report of the Library Director

The annual Plante & Moran audit begins on Monday (February 21); the pre-audit meeting went smoothly and Davis expects no problems or surprises. She commended S. Rzetelny and the Business Services staff for their hard work in preparation. The audit report should be presented in April; Davis expects it to include an increase to the Fund Balance.

The library will host staff members from the East Lansing Public Library, who wish to see the library’s sorter and RFID system.
Updated property tax numbers have been received from Canton Township. Gail Bell will meet with officials and Davis will contact Finance Subcommittee members D. Turner and C. Van Auken when she has those figures.

Old Business


New Business

Revised Code of Conduct Policy — Three documents pertaining to the policy were included in the meeting packet. Davis indicated that the one-page "postcard" version of the proposed policy revision would be handed out to patrons who questioned the policy or were in violation of any portion of it. The zone map would be strategically placed throughout the library to remind patrons that they were either in the "silent," "quiet," or "social" zone of the library. The policy revision was created by a committee made up of "frontline" staff members from each department, led by Security Monitor Bill Rice.

Trustees Fausone and Schulz requested minor language changes to clarify intent, but overall reaction from the board was laudatory. Davis promised to have the corrections made for final board approval at the March meeting.


Davis reported that she and S. Rzetelny had a very open and cordial meeting with Eric and Laurel Hess, Jungle Java Express proprietors. They will meet again in early March to discuss proposed changes to the library’s current operating agreement with JJX, prior to any Board discussion re: renewing the café lease in May.

Call to Audience



J. Fausone moved and C. Van Auken supported a motion to adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM.