Meeting Minutes - April 15, 2010

The Chairperson, Colleen Van Auken, called the meeting to order at 7:33PM
Present: K. Schulz, M. Siegrist, C. Van Auken, J. Fausone, G. Snow, D. Turner
Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden, G. Bell, A. Davis, M. Swartz

Call to Audience

No comments (R. Havenstein-Coughlin, A. Heidemann, L. Papa, S. Rzetelny)

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as amended

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the March 18 meeting were approved as presented


E. Davis shared with the Board an invitation from the new Belleville District Library to attend a reception and swearing-in ceremony of the new District Board on April 24th.

Included in the April PR packet were materials relating to the 2009 Annual Report that were mailed to donors and a placard that was sent to community partners.

Report of the Library Director

Canton Township confirmed that Canton Center Road construction would begin in earnest on Monday, April 26.

Permits were received April 15, so construction of the new sorting area in the former library Copy Center would also begin on Monday, April 26.

Everyone’s Reading concluded with author Scott Turow’s April 14 visit to the Cherry Hill Village Theater, where he was introduced by the Head of Adult Services, R. Havenstein-Coughlin. Davis complimented Havenstein-Coughlin on a job well done, and also had praise for the Friends of the Library, who staffed and funded the Village Theater event.

Canton Cable’s Regina Shamberger interviewed E. Davis for Arts on the Road; the interview will air in mid-May. Davis will receive an electronic copy of the interview, which Laurie Golden will post.

E. Davis, G. Bell, and S. Rzetelny met with our Chase Bank representative, who will manually waive the service charges on our Endowment Fund account each month.

Old Business

Library Director Performance Evaluation & Objectives Setting – Trustee D. Turner made changes as requested at the February meeting, mainly language additions. The Chair and the director will meet to decide when to implement use of the new forms.

New Business

Presentation by Plante & Moran of 2009 Audit Report – Alisha Davis and Mike Swartz of Plante & Moran presented the results of the 2009 audit. The pair said that the library’s audit had received an “unqualified” or “clean opinion,” the best rating that can be rendered on financial statements. All of the library’s financial records are being recorded in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and A. Davis and M. Swartz said that the office staff is doing a good job; no auditor-identified journal entries had been recorded. The library is in good financial condition; even though all sources of revenue had declined, an addition was made to the fund balance.

GASB 45 standards went into effect in 2010, changing the way libraries must account for funding full retirement benefits; under-funding will show up as a liability while over-funding will be recorded as an asset. (Since the library has been properly funding retirement benefits for a number of years, A. Davis assured the Board that the fund is on target, even though the latest actuarial valuation does not properly reflect the fact.)

Trustee Schulz questioned the library’s current status with regard to PCI compliance rules. L. Papa said that the library has contracted with a firm to conduct a network security scan, which will be done after planned changes have been made to our online payment system. One or more self-assessment questionnaires also must be completed

At E. Davis’ request, Swartz and A. Davis spoke briefly about GASB 54, an accounting standard in effect at the end of fiscal 2011, which addresses the designation of fund balance monies for specified classifications of expenditures. M. Swartz will email to E. Davis a copy of a presentation he made on GASB 54, to be disseminated to the Board.

Trustee Turner commended G. Bell and other involved staff members for the business office practices which resulted in the outstanding audit result.

Furlough Analysis – WSU grad student Jennie Cushman won First Prize in Wayne State’s doctoral student competition for the analysis she did on the potential budgetary impact of furlough days for CPL. Her analysis was based on estimates; if the Board wishes to pursue the issue for 2011, E. Davis can get firmer numbers. We should have a good idea of what the property tax revenue for 2011 will be by the June meeting; E. Davis would like to know if furlough days will be “on the table” for the 2011 budget as soon as possible; budget discussions will begin to be held by the Board in August.

Trustee Turner would like a clear picture of what cuts were made in the current year’s budget as efficiency measures and what additional measures are proposed for this year’s budget talks. E. Davis and S. Rzetelny will be working with our healthcare and MERS representatives to see what kind of savings may be realized in those areas.

Trustee K. Schulz asked for some employment numbers in re: staff (such as the number of staff members, the percentage of full- versus part-time employees) to gain a better understanding of how they will be impacted by the board’s budgetary decisions.

Jungle Java Express Lease Renewal – E. Davis said that Jungle Java Express would like to renew its lease for another year, under the same terms.

D. Turner moved and G. Snow supported a motion to renew Jungle Java Express’ lease for one year, continuing the waiver of rent and royalty/commission.

The motion passed unanimously 10/04-15-01.

Call to Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM
Colleen VanAuken – Board Chairperson