Managing Employees and Social Media: How To Keep Yourself Out of Trouble

Are you concerned about the potential ramifications of your employees and social media? Aaron Graves, a labor and employment attorney, will discuss the ins and outs of your rights and your employee's rights when it comes to social networking. This Strategies of Success (SOS) seminar takes place on Tuesday, May 17th from 7:30-9:30AM in the Summit on the Park Banquet Center. Space is limited so please reserve your spot by calling the Canton Chamber of Commerce at (734) 453-4040.

More Suggestions for the Urban Fantasy Reader

You're a special kind of reader. You can't get enough of vampires, wizards and things that go bump in the night. However, you like your books set in a city, preferably a big one like Chicago or New York. You also don't want to stop at just one book — more is more! You're an urban fantasy reader and here are some series for you to explore.

Greywalker by Kat Richardson

Marked: a house of night novel by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Minion by L.A. Banks

Moon called by Patricia Briggs

Some girls bite by Chloe Neill

Creepy, Suspenseful and Mysterious

Some books don't fit neatly into genre descriptions. They're creepy, suspenseful and often include complex plots with lots of twists. Despite their lack of definite category, they're always riveting. Give these creepysuspensefulemysteries a try.

Await your reply: a novel by Dan Chaon

Darling Jim: a novel by Christian Moerk

The diviner's tale [sound recording] by Bradford Morrow

Lost echoes: a novel by Joe R. Lansdale

The talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

British Royal Fiction

Just can't get enough of the pomp and pagentry of British royalty? Give these historical fiction novels a try.

Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell

The confession of Katherine Howard by Suzannah Dunn

Here be dragons by Sharon Kay Penman

Innocent traitor by Alison Weir

The lute player: a novel of Richard the Lionhearted by Norah Lofts

The memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots by Carolly Erickson

"A Game of Thrones" Hits the Big Screen

George R. R. Martin's medieval fantasy series Song of Ice and Fire is being made into an HBO television series. If you are a fan of this popular series, be sure watch the clips of the Making Game of Thrones.

A game of thrones by George R.R. Martin

A clash of kings: book two of A song of ice and fire by George R.R. Martin

A storm of swords by George R.R. Martin

A feast for crows by George R.R. Martin

The Power of Teamwork

If "two heads are better than one," then a whole team working towards the same goal is an awesome concept. However, there can be more to team dynamics than meets the eye. If you are leading a team, a member of a team or just in need of more information, try these books:

The orange revolution: how one great team can transform an entire organization by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

Extraordinary groups: how ordinary teams achieve amazing results by Geoffrey M. Bellman, Kathleen D. Ryan

The first-time manager's guide to team building by Gary S. Topchik

6 habits of highly effective teams by Stephen E. Kohn and Vincent D. O'Connell
