
Anything and everything about the Great Lakes State.

Bats sometimes get a bad rap, but these fuzzy creatures have a lot of positive things to offer! Most bats don't drink blood, and many bats love to eat fruit. Insect-eating bats eat their own body weight in insects every night! They naturally pollinate hundreds of plants around the world, spread seeds which allow plants to grow, and eat bugs at farms so that farmers don't have to use as many pesticides.

However, bats have had a difficult time lately, and many North American bat colonies have been devastated by white-nose syndrome, a disease caused by a white fungus on affected bats' wings and noses. 

You can learn more about bats and white-nose syndrome by checking out the resources below.

Additionally, you can visit the Organization for Bat Conservation to learn how to #savethebats, and you can even visit the Bat Zone at their new, expanded home to see live bats, sloths, flying squirrels, and more!

[Photo of a local big brown bat courtesy of the Organization for Bat Conservation]

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