
Same Place, More Space

Same place, more space: 50 projects to maximize every room in the house by Karl Champley, with Karen Kelly ; illustrations by Arthur Mount

You may recognize author Karl Champley from DIY Network's Wasted Spaces, and fans of that show will find similar ideas in this book. In addition to ideas for taking advantage of unused storage space, this book goes further, offering how-tos for rearranging floor plans and uses of space to get the most out of your home. Included here are instructions and diagrams for multi-use furniture, use-specific remodeling, and lots more.

Spring Cleaning

Warm weather is finally headed our way. Time for the dreaded spring clean! While you're at it, why not re-organize your stuff? These books will help you find a place for everything, and keep everything in its place.

Best organizing solutions: cut clutter, store more, and gain closet space

Unstuff your life!: Kick the clutter habit and completely organize your life for good by Andrew J. Mellen

What's a disorganized person to do? by Stacey Platt

10,001 ways to declutter your home on a small budget by Ed Morrow, Shree Bykofsky, and Rita Rosenkranz

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