sports injuries-prevention

Savvy Seniors: May Is Older Adults Month

Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow is the theme for Older Americans Month 2014. Older adults are at a much higher risk of unintentional injury and even death than the rest of the population. Unintentional injuries to this population result in at least 6 million medically treated injuries and more than 30,000 deaths every year. Modifications to living space, a daily fitness routine, and healthy eating can help prevent injury.

AARP guide to revitalizing your home: beautiful living for the second half of life: reimagine, redesign, remodel by Rosemary Bakker

Universal design for the home: great looking, great living design for all ages, abilities, and circumstances by Wendy A. Jordan

Unassisted living: ageless homes for later life by Wid Chapman and Jeff Rosenfeld

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