personal finance

Savvy Seniors: Pass It On

The Federal Trade Commission (aka FTC) is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace. They have created PASS IT ON  an FTC website containing articles, presentations, video, and activities — with information about scams and pass on some information that could help someone you know.  Health, finances, privacy are just some of the issues they focus on.  There is a link to the FTC for individuals wanting to report a scam.

MorningStar Investment Help

MoneySmart2014Money Smart Week (April 5-14) is dedicated to bringing public awareness to personal finance. Do you know that we have the personal finance tool MorningStar Investment Research Center all year round for you? You can find reports and ratings on funds, stocks and more. In the Help & Education section you can learn the ins and outs of goal-based investing, strategies and solutions to help you for the long run. Be sure to include MorningStar in your long term money smart planning. CPL cardholders can access from home.

Living Large on Less

Living large on less: a guide to saving without sacrifice by Christina Spence — Just about everyone is doing more with less these days, and this book is a great guide to many aspects of balancing one's personal budget and making the most of the dollars we do have. One of the most important steps here is to make a budget that actually works for you. You can use spreadsheets, personal finance software, or an online service like to track your spending and make some of the adjustments suggested here. The ideas range from quick fixes to challenges that offer a trial run at a larger change.

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