high blood pressure

February is American Heart Month.  High blood pressure is a secret killer, often showing no signs or symptoms. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. In fact, more than 67 million Americans have high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are 4 times more likely to die from a stroke and 3 times more likely to die from heart disease, compared to those with normal blood pressure.  It is easy to get your blood pressure checked: ask your doctor, check your local drugstore, or purchase a home blood pressure monitor.

Renowned specialists, heart surgeon Dr. Marc Gillinov and cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen, use decades of clinical experience, along with up-to-the-minute medical research, to debunk myths about cardiovascular disease, and provide the knowledge and tools needed to live a long and heart-healthy life.

"A breakthrough mind-body program to build a strong, healthy, and happy heart, for women at risk for or diagnosed with heart disease, from the Harvard-trained cardiologist behind the Women's Heart Health Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. Heart disease is the number-one killer of American women, and prevention and healing require integrative approaches to address the whole heart--physical, emotional, and spiritual. Smart at Heart's holistic program includes strategies to improve heart health by addressing ten bridges that link the physical and emotional hearts, including the mental health, relationship, and communication bridges. This book guides readers through evaluating their current state of physical and emotional health and then empowers them with solutions to strengthen each bridge to create a healthy, whole heart"--.

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