
OverDrive Media Console on iPad

Rejoice, all iPad users! Our eBook supplier OverDrive has just released a free app for iPhone®/iPad® v2.2

iPad users will now enjoy custom designed graphics whether they are reading an ePub eBook, listening to an MP3 audiobook, or browsing the OverDrive Media Console Library. The app supports landscape and portrait orientation. A new calendar icon displays the number of days left until the title expires.

The free app can be installed on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch® devices running iOS (v4.0 or newer). The updated app is available from:

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Choose from over 15,000 free public domain titles selected by OverDrive from Project Gutenberg, and mounted on the library's eBook Collection page. These titles never expire and won't count against your library checkout limit! They are for the use of any one with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Our page includes tips on using these files with Adobe Digital Editions.

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