bird song

Birds made out of yarn

One silver lining to the COVID-19 outbreak is that our lack of activity has benefited wildlife and the environment in unanticipated ways - including birds. Scientists have noted that fewer cars and planes makes a quieter soundscape for birds and humans. There may never have been a better time to enjoy birds and to fulfill your "Go Bird Watching" 62 Days 62 Ways square. The beauty of this activity is that you do not even have to leave the comfort of your home - just look out your window! Here are some suggestions to help you get started:





The blue bird's palace by Orianne Lallemand

Inspired by the Russian storytelling tradition, this contemporary fairy tale about a relatable heroine's inner transformation from materialism to gratefulness will captivate readers of all ages. The Blue Bird's Palace has beautiful illustrations. Blue birds have been abundant this Spring! Check out Bird Books for the Young at Heart and other kid-friendly birding titles including emedia

Backyard Birdsong

I now can identify certain birds by song thanks to this book. The Backyard Birdsong Guide: A Guide to Listening by Donald Kroodsma is a real treat — especially as Spring approaches. Look up a variety of birds located in Eastern and Central North America and you will find a photo of the bird, a brief description, information about their habitat, as well as information about their singing. But what is really nifty is that you can then punch in the number located next to the bird in the sound device located in the book and listen to the bird singing!

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