Bear stories

Thorndyke Thoughts: Paddington on the Big Screen

Hey Kids,

I’m so excited to announce a dear friend of mine is coming to the big screen in January. On my birthday. Some of you may be familiar with my marmalade-loving buddy, Paddington, but if not, be sure to check him out here before seeing him in theaters. I’ve made some handy lists below of bear stories, some that are also available as movies. What are some of your favorite bear stories? You can tell me in the comments or stop by to chat the next time you’re in the library.

“Classic” Bears

A bear called Paddington by Michael Bond ; with drawings by Peggy Fortnum

Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne ; with decorations by Ernest H. Shepard

Bear Fun

Not all bears can hibernate this winter! Kids, ages 4-8, can bring their cuddly teddy bears to a special program to share together. Bear stories and a craft will be part of the fun. So crawl out of those blankets and pull yourself away from the computer. LB and Thorndyke vote this the most important library program of the year. Register online beginning December 30.

Program Date: January 13, 7:00-7:45PM.

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