Databases & Online Resources

Items with a CPL Card require a Canton Public Library card for access outside of the library.

Online courses for K-12 education and test preparation; earn badges and points for learning about math, history, and more

Ebooks and learning modules to help with technology skills, career and test preparation, college readiness and more

Searchable Legal forms, articles, and full-text eBooks, including NOLO Legal Guides

Online access to millions of prints and photographs from the Library of Congress

Millions of photographs documenting American and World history from the 1750s to today

CPL Card

Learn a new language with fun and interactive lessons, including important cultural contexts and realistic conversations

Full-text magazines and eBooks on popular topics such as business, health, fashion, sports, and personal finance

Consumer health articles and videos from the National Library of Medicine

Biographies of authors and illustrators from Michigan

Searchable access to Michigan public acts and legislation

Information and tools for navigating legal issues without a lawyer

Online study guides and practice tests for the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC)

Online access to Michigan Archives, including historical documents and vital records

CPL Card

Data on approximately 456,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, along with real-time global market data

Historic documents and genealogical records spanning five centuries more than 2 billion family trees

CPL Card

Use your CPL card to activate a 24-hour full-access pass for Note: You will need to log in to a new or existing account when redeeming this pass. More information here.

Full-text articles and transcripts from popular news sources around the world

Search books you've enjoyed to find read-alike titles, series, and authors

Find read-alike titles, series, and authors as well as professional reviews, reader reviews, discussion guides and more

Learning games for young children, featuring popular characters from PBS shows
