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Learn to Skate this Summer!

June 21st is Go out and Skate or Skateboard day! Have you always wanted to learn how to be a wheeled wonder? Grab a friend and head outside to a nice, paved trail or to your local roller skating rink!  Also we have some great books on skating and skateboarding, so be sure to check them out for inspiration. 

Longboarding by Mary-Lane Kamberg

Provides an overview of longboarding, which is a variation of skateboarding, offering advice on techniques, equipment, and safety.

Skateboarding by Kristen Rajczak

Introduces skateboarding by presenting historical information about the sport, discussing necessary equipment and techniques, and examining safety procedures.

Dino-Boarding by Lisa Wheeler

Meat-eating and vegetarian dinosaurs compete in surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding events.

Skating over the line by Joelle Charbonneau

Rebecca is desperate to sell her inherited roller skating rink in small-town Indian Falls, and--finally--she has a buyer, but Lionel, her large-animal vet boyfriend, thinks she should stay put and the gang at the Senior Center wants her to track down the thief who has been hot-wiring rusted-out classic cars. Soon cars start exploding and Rebecca must find the pyromaniac car thief and put a stop to him--before he stops her first.