Computers and Equipment Open to Walk-In Use

thorndyke the bear at PC station

On October 1, 2020 the library entered the next stage of our phased reopening, limited in-person browsing. Computers and technology equipment are now available on a walk-in basis. PCs, a Fax-24 machine, printer/scanners, and copy card machine will be available for use and set up in a socially-distanced manner in the Children's Library, Web Express, and Self Service areas.

  • PC use is limited to one 60-minute session per day. 
  • Patrons are required to follow all of the library's public health and safety protocols: remain 6 feet away from other people, wear a mask, and don't come if you feel ill or have been in contact with someone who is ill. Patrons who refuse to comply with library policies will be asked to leave.
  • Per the Library's Pandemic Reopening Policy, food and drink are not permitted in the library unless medically necessary.

We are delighted to offer computer and equipment access, and we ask for your patience in this phase of limited service. We will have staff available to assist you during your visit, and we look forward to seeing you once again.