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Rockabye Babies! Lullabies for your Little Rocker

Is your little one a rocker at heart?  Looking for some Beatles, Madonna, or Van Halen just right for your baby?  Then look no further!  Check out Rockabye Baby!  Enjoy soothing, sleep inducing tunes from Def Leppard to Kanye West.

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of depeche mode

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Dave Matthews Band by Bissell, Andrew, 1979-

Rockabye baby! Lullaby renditions of the Flaming Lips [sound recording] by Boone, Steven

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Madonna

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of the Police

Rockabye baby! Good day, Goodnight [sound recording]

Rockabye Baby! [sound recording]: Lullaby Renditions of Van Halen

Rockabye Baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Def Leppard by Bissell, Andrew, 1979-

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Weezer

Rockabye Baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Kanye West

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: Lullaby renditions of Pearl Jam by Jeffrey Miner

Rockabye baby! Lullaby renditions of Black Sabbath [sound recording] by [Jeffrey Miner]

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Journey by produced and arranged by Dennis Caplinger

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Elvis Presley

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Bon Jovi by [Andrew Bissell]

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: more lullaby renditions of the Beatles

Rockabye baby! [sound recording]: lullaby renditions of Metallica