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Infants and Sleep

Getting your baby to sleep at night can be a challenge. For parents who need tips and advice for successful sleeping, we have several sleep guides available in the Parenting section in the Children's Department. Check out some of the titles listed below to help your baby (and yourself!) get some much-needed rest.

The complete guide to helping your baby sleep through the night so you can too: 101 tips and tricks every parent needs to know by Jessica Linnell

The baby sleeps tonight: your infant sleeping through the night by 9 weeks (yes, really!) by Shari Mezrah

The good night, sleep tight workbook: newborn to five years by Kim West ; edited by Maura Rhodes

Healthy sleep habits, happy twins: a step-by-step program for sleep-training your multiples by Marc Weissbluth

Helping baby sleep: the science and practice of gentle bedtime parenting by Anni Gethin and Beth Macgregor

Sleeping through the night: how infants, toddlers, and their parents can get a good night's sleep by Jodi A. Mindell

Good night, sleep tight: the Sleep Lady's gentle guide to helping your child go to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up happy by Kim West with Joanne Kenen

Sleep: the Brazelton way by T. Berry Brazelton, Joshua D. Sparrow