hoopla is coming to town!

What is hoopla? We are excited to bring you this multi-media platform that offers thousands of streaming and downloadable movies, music albums and audiobooks to the Canton community. Starting on December 18, Canton card holders can stream or temporarily download the media to their Apple or Android smartphones, tablets and computers after signing up with their email address, password, and CPL card number. All titles are available instantaneously, and there is never a wait to borrow. The automatic return feature removes the items after the loan period expires. Movies lend for 3 days, music albums for 7 days, and audiobooks for 21 days. Register for an account by visiting hoopla Digital on your computer, or using the hoopla app from the Apple app store or the Google Play store. Browse or search for a movie, music or audiobook to borrow. The borrowed title can be found under the My Titles tab for viewing/listening. Enjoy!